Project overview

In accordance with council policy, we are undertaking community consultation seeking feedback on a request to expand the Southern Tasmanian Regional Land Use Strategy’s (STRLUS) Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) to include a portion of the land at 52 Richardsons Road, Sandford.


At its meeting on 9 February 2021 Council resolved “to support the proposed expansion of the UGB to include the land at 52 Richardsons Road, Sandford and requests the Minister for Planning to approve the necessary amendment to the Southern Tasmanian Regional Land Use Strategy.”

Following referral to the Minister, council was requested to provide a direct response to the Planning Policy Unit’s Information Sheet RLUS1 - Reviewing and Amending the Regional Land Use Strategies (RLUS1). In response to this requirement the proponent provided council with additional information and a further assessment against the RLUS1 requirements was considered by council at its meeting on 20 September 2021.

Copies of each the relevant reports and supporting documentation are available on the right hand side of this page.

The Site

52 Richardsons Rd, Sandford (CT 158742/9) is a 73Ha irregular shaped vacant lot located to the south of Lauderdale as shown below.


The proponent requests an amendment to the STRLUS by expanding the UGB to include a 12.1ha portion of the subject land. Ultimately if approved, the expansion would provide for the submission of a future rezoning and subsequent subdivision which is not proposed at this time.

You can find further detail on the proposal and supporting documentation in the Proponent Documentation section on this page. You can also find all council related documents in the Council Documents section on this page.

Key Points

  • The land is outside the STRLUS’s UGB.
  • Only the Minister for Planning may approve or amend a regional strategy.
  • If approved as requested, it would enable the submission of a future application for rezoning and subdivision (this is not currently possible).
  • Any future application for rezoning and subdivision would require further exhibition in accordance with the statutory requirements.

Have your say!

You can have your say by reviewing the above documents and completing the survey below.

Consultation closes close of business 10 November 2021.

Consultation Results

Thank you to everyone who took the time to have their say during the consultation. The results of the consultation are now available to download from the document library on this page or by clicking here.

It is also important to note that while free-form responses are summarised and categorised in this report, Aldermen were provided with all de-identified responses in full  to assist with their understanding of specific community feedback.

Other councils and State Government departments were also consulted on this proposal.

All feedback will now be compiled into a report that will go to council soon.

Update - June 2022

A letter from the Minister for Planning Michael Ferguson MP, dated 25 May 2022, outlines the Minister’s view that “… an amendment to the UGB prior to finalisation and endorsement of the Greater Hobart Plan, and completion of other associated studies… would be both premature and potentially undermine the Greater Hobart Plan and its implementation.”

He has set aside his decision to consider an amendment to the UGB at Richardsons Road, Sandford until this further work is completed.

52 Richardsons Road Urban Growth Boundary Adjustment Consultation
