Project Overview
We are now seeking community feedback on the Draft Access and Inclusion Plan 2021-2025.
This final round of consultation on the Draft Access and Inclusion Plan 2021-2025 aims to provide council with further feedback on the plan, which will be presented to a future council workshop for discussion before the plan is finalised for formal consideration by council.
Over the past 15 years, council has developed three access plans. All plans are developed with a five-year timeframe to ensure they are realistic and measurable.
Development of the draft Access and Inclusion Plan has involved a thorough engagement process using multiple methods, in consultation with council’s Disability Access Advisory Committee (DAAC).
Council’s Disability Access Advisory Committee plays a key role in the development, implementation, monitoring and review of these plans. The committee is made up of council representatives, residents and carers of people with a disability from across the city.
The review of council’s previous plan and development of a new draft Access and Inclusion Plan is a significant milestone in the history of council’s role and involvement in leading continuous improvement for people with a disability in Clarence.
The five-year plan was developed using a co-design process with council’s DAAC including the support of an external consultant, and input from staff, Aldermen and the community.
The three key themes of Lead, Create and Develop have been used to reflect what the community told us were emerging priorities and opportunities, consistent with council’s Strategic Plan goal areas and key strategies.
How to have your say
We are now seeking community feedback on the Draft Access and Inclusion Plan 2021-2025.
The results of the consultation will be considered in finalising the Access and Inclusion Plan 2021-2025, which will then be presented to council for endorsement.
You can have your say by:
- Completing our survey.
- Uploading a short 60 seconds maximum length video recording of your thoughts.
- Submitting a written submission to council.
- Talk to one of our officers over the phone or in person.
To submit a written submission to council please write to Julie Andersson, Access Plan Consultation, Clarence City Council, PO Box 96, Rosny Park TAS 7018 or
To speak to a council officer about the Draft Plan, please call our project officer, Julie on 03 6217 9597.