Project overview
Council is investigating options for the upgrade of Begonia Street, Lindisfarne.
We are seeking community feedback on our preferred option to seal Begonia Street and install multiple traffic calming devices, including road humps and slow points.
This option seeks to balance the needs of local residents while eliminating the ongoing costs associated with grading the gravel road.
The Flagstaff Gully end of Begonia Street – which connects Flagstaff Gully and Malunna Road in Lindisfarne – is currently unsealed.
There have been longstanding concerns with Begonia Street residents regarding the amount of traffic on the road and that sealing the unsealed section could increase traffic speed and volume.
In 2012, council engaged with the community to determine the level of support for changing the street to one-way, but this was rejected by council following 84 percent of respondents not supporting the change.
In 2019, council contracted GHD to conduct an Origin Destination Survey of vehicles using the gravel section of Begonia Street, which found that the average daily traffic using the street was 2,220 vehicles.
The survey recorded 173 trips specifically by non-residents of the local area travelling toward Lindisfarne during the morning peak hour on Begonia Street, with almost all vehicles originating from the South Arm Highway. This compared with just 54 vehicles that travel from the South Arm Highway to the East Derwent Highway via the highway route. The report concluded that these 54 vehicles represent the potential maximum increase in non-local residents that might use the road when sealed (i.e. 30 percent increase).
Following the results of the Origin Destination Survey, council has determined that the number of vehicles using the road is too high to cost-effectively maintain as a gravel surface.
Council’s preferred option is to seal Begonia Street and install multiple traffic calming devices, including road humps and slow points, to ensure speed compliance and lower the appeal of the route as a significant alternate route.
The installation of traffic calming devices is in line with the currently sealed section of Begonia Street, which includes four road humps, and will aid in increasing the safety and amenity of the road.
The full Origin Destination Survey can be downloaded here or from the Document Library.
Have your say
Have your say by:
- Reviewing the preferred option and completing our survey.
- Using the 'Map' tool to pin a location on the map of Begonia Street and add your feedback and comments. The map tool is located in the second tab below, to the right of the survey.
Council's preferred option can be viewed here or from the Document Library.
Pop-up information sessions
Council staff will also be holding two pop-up information sessions.
- Wednesday 28 July at Clarence City Council chambers from 12.00-2.00pm (38 Bligh Street, Rosny Park).
- Wednesday 4 August at Lindisfarne Activity Centre from 1.30-3.30pm (37A Lincoln Street, Lindisfarne).
Interested community members are welcome to attend to review the proposed plan, ask questions and share their feedback and concerns.
Flagstaff Gully Link Road:
Following our first pop-up information session on the Begonia Street Calming Consultation, we have received a few questions regarding Flagstaff Gully Link Road.
In addition to our proposed plan for the upgrade of Begonia Street, which is open for consultation until 24 August, the Department of State Growth (DSG) has advised it is looking at several options to improve access to Hobart from the Eastern Shore through the Bowen Bridge Eastern Connector – Feasibility Commitment.
The feasibility study for the Flagstaff Gully Link Road will determine the preferred route for a Flagstaff Gully Link Road to the East Derwent Highway, the demand for a completed Flagstaff Gully Link Road and when, or if, a Flagstaff Gully Link Road should be constructed.
DSG has advised that the feasibility study is currently being finalised and will be made available to the public when complete.
Consultation results
In total, 678 people participated in this consultation. A summary of the results can be viewed in the document library.
Consultation outcome
At a council meeting on 11 October 2021, council approved the following recommendation:
- Council notes the feedback received via the recent community consultation regarding options to upgrade Begonia Street, Lindisfarne.
- Council adopts the preferred option for the upgrade of the unsealed section of Begonia Street, Lindisfarne, being sealing of the road and the installation of road humps and slow points.
- A detailed design and estimate be undertaken and budget submission be made for consideration in council’s 2022- 2023 Estimates to implement the preferred option.
- Further investigation be undertaken into the adequacy of the existing sealed section of Begonia Street, Malunna Road and Beach Road connection and into possible improvements to the intersection of Begonia Street and Flagstaff Gully Road, and the results of the investigation be reported to a future council workshop to then be included as a budget submission to be considered in council’s 2022-23 Estimates.
- The Council takes appropriate steps towards lowering the speed limit on affected sections of Begonia Street, Malunna Road and Beach Road to 40kmh, including necessary community consultation and evidence gathering. That Council also undertake this process for the section of Flagstaff Gully Road between Begonia Street and Flagstaff Gully Link.
- That a workshop is held on the subsequent traffic impacts of sealing this section of Begonia Street some twelve months after completion with a view to consideration of further traffic calming measures if necessary.
- Council authorises the General Manager to write to all residents along Begonia Street advising of its decision.