Project Overview

We are undertaking community consultation to investigate possible traffic calming and pedestrian safety measures in the Bellerive Village retail and commercial precinct.

In addition, we are also seeking to identify what type of streetscape elements are valued by residents, traders, property owners and visitors to the area.

The main aim of this project is to determine the level of community support for potential improvements and changes to the area.


A Bellerive Pedestrian and Traffic Movement petition was considered by council on 6 April 2020.

Council resolved to:

    • Note the petition tabled at the 16 March 2020 meeting, requesting council to:
      • Review the current traffic management and pedestrian safety arrangements in the Bellerive Village retail/commercial precinct.
      • As part of this review, engage with local business owners and residents to ascertain the level of support for traffic calming/pedestrian safety measures.
    • Calls for officers to undertake a strategic review of the current traffic flow and pedestrian interactions in and around Bellerive Village – specifically the commercial precinct of Cambridge Road, Clarence Street, Percy Street and Queen Street – with this review to focus on pedestrian safety and traffic management.
    • The findings of this strategic review to be presented to Aldermen at a workshop.

In addition to investigating the level of support for traffic calming and pedestrian safety measures, we are taking this opportunity to look more broadly at the Bellerive Village streetscape and determine what features matter most to locals, businesses and visitors to the area.

A map outlining the Bellerive Village area is included in the document library.

Have Your Say

Have your say by completing our survey.

Please note that there is no current budget allocation in the 2020-21 financial year for this project.

The results from the survey will enable council to develop concept plans and determine the level of support for any future works within the precinct.

Consultation outcomes

  • In total, 221 people participated in this consultation. A summary of the results can be viewed in the document library.
  • The results from this consultation will be used to assist council in the development of master plans and projects for the retail village, and broader Bellerive, areas.
  • It is expected that master planning/streetscape design for Cambridge Road for the Clarence Street intersection through to Victoria Esplanade will commence before the end of 2021. Council will be looking to undertake broad consultation on this in 2022.