Project overview
We are undertaking community consultation on the draft Digital Strategy.
The draft Digital Strategy aims to support council’s mission to respond to the needs of the community through best practice governance and service delivery by ensuring that technology and data are used to plan and develop innovative solutions for our city, as well as improve service delivery through investment in appropriate technology and data.
The aim of this consultation is to seek community feedback and ideas on the draft Digital Strategy.
Once consultation closes, community feedback will be used to refine the draft strategy before it is presented to council for endorsement.
In 2021, council reviewed its 10-year strategic plan and committed to reviewing several key strategies and plans including a range of community plans, planning frameworks and action plans to support the planning, development, and implementation of council activities and services. The draft Digital strategy is one of these seven key strategies.
Council’s digital vision is to combine human ingenuity with technology to connect our community with services, facilities, and resources to enhance the quality of life for all.
The draft Digital Strategy will shape the way that council utilises technology and data to optimise life in Clarence.
Have your say
We are now seeking community feedback on the draft Digital Strategy 2022 - 2032.
You can have your say by:
- Completing our survey.
- Contacting our Project Manager, Tanya Doubleday, on 03 6217 9641 or at link).
This consultation will be open for 6 weeks from 14 October 2022, closing on 25 November 2022.