Project Overview
We are undertaking community consultation on the draft Clarence City Council Strategic Plan 2020-2030.
The main aim of this consultation is to seek community feedback and ideas on the draft strategic plan. This feedback will then be used to refine the draft into a final strategic plan for council's approval.
The review is being undertaken in line with the Local Government Act 1993 requirement for council to review its Strategic Plan every four years.
The draft Strategic Plan 2020-2030 has been reviewed and workshopped with Aldermen on several occasions.
It is now time to consult with the community and seek feedback on the draft Strategic Plan 2020-2030 to guide its development into a final version for approval by council.
The key changes in the draft Strategic Plan are consolidating council's strategic goals from five to four, introducing key supporting strategies, and highlighting the City Heart Project as a major council project.
The draft plan also identifies major strategic projects for implementation and highlights council’s role as a key regional leader.
The Draft Strategic Plan 2020-2030 is available for download in the document library.
Have Your Say
The survey has now closed and we are reviewing feedback received on the draft plan.
Have your say by reviewing the draft strategic plan and completing our survey.
The results of the survey will inform the refinement of the draft plan into a final version for council endorsement.