Project Overview
Council is seeking the community’s feedback on its draft Tree Policy. The policy will be used to facilitate the development of strategic tree planning documents and foster the planting of an ‘urban forest’ to increase tree canopy on council land.
In addition, the policy puts measures in place to reduce the incidence of vandalism against trees and vegetation, as well as limit the unnecessary removal of healthy trees on council land.
Further feedback will be sought from the community to help shape the development of the Urban Forest Strategy and Precinct Planting Plans which will guide tree selection and location for all streets within the municipality.
In 2020 council officers undertook a review of the Managing Trees on Council Land Procedure 2015, which had been used in lieu of a policy document.
The review uncovered gaps in tree planning, tree protection and maintenance practices and, as a result, two documents have been developed, one a policy, the other a procedure.
The policy sets the agenda for valuing trees for their social, environmental, and economic benefits and their contribution to the physical and mental health and wellbeing of our communities. Moreover, it paves the way for strategic tree planning documents and programs and their implementation.
The procedure provides operational guidance on best practice arboriculture management and associated procedures.
The Managing Trees on Council Land Procedure’s purpose is to manage trees to best practice arboriculture standards and reduce the incidents of vandalism against trees and vegetation.
The procedure is intended to be used by operational staff in the management of trees on council land and will be made available on the website for additional information only.