Consultations closes: Monday 16 March 2020

Project Overview

A Lauderdale Saltmarsh Reserve Activity Plan 2020-2030 is being developed. The plan seeks to build a shared responsibility among the community and landowners to support the management of priority cultural, social and natural values.

Project Information

The 122 hectare site includes the following locations:

  • Racecourse flats
  • East Marsh Lagoon
  • Old Lauderdale tip site
  • Doran’s Road Saltmarsh

The broad objectives of the reserve activity planning process are to:

  • Ensure the reserve is sustainably managed to preserve and enhance its natural, cultural and social values;
  • Identify priority management activities to be undertaken within the reserve by council and/or volunteer groups as resources become available; and
  • Encourage community engagement through raising awareness of the reserve’s values and encourage participation in activities to minimise threats to these values.

Have your say

In the first engagement period for this project, we sought community feedback to help develop a draft plan. This key stakeholder consultation included a well-attended Walk and Talk session held in August 2019 and a short online survey. Community feedback received is tabled in the draft plan.

The recommendations incorporated in the draft plan include:

  • Develop a ground and surface water monitoring program.
  • Implement a maintenance program to remove blockages from three existing drains flushing into the saltmarsh.
  • Reinstate, using a staged approach, the tidal flushing to Racecourse Flats.
  • Maintain and monitor the integrity of the saltmarsh boundaries to stop trail bikes and 4WD access.
  • Support a partnership with key stakeholders to develop a seagrass restoration program in Ralphs Bay.
  • Seek funding to implement the Lauderdale Tip Passive Recreation Concept Plan.
  • Develop walking and bike tracks linking to and on the tip site.
  • Develop a 9-hole disc golf course on the tip site.
  • Develop a bushfire management plan for the tip site.

We are now seeking community feedback on the draft plan.

You can have your say by completing the feedback form below.

Community feedback on the draft plan will be considered in finalising the draft plan. The final plan will be presented to council for endorsement mid-2020.