Project Overview
Have your say on the proposed boundary adjustment for Howrah and Rokeby.
This consultation follows council's recent rescinding of its earlier decision on 8 April 2019, which was replaced with in principle support for a boundary adjustment between Howrah and Rokeby in the area of Skillion Hill.
Project Information
Council has decided to provide in-principle support to alter the boundary between the suburbs of Howrah and Rokeby, in an area that is to be subdivided and developed. As there is no existing development in this area, no existing residents will have their suburb name changed.
The proposal seeks to strike a balance and recognise that realignment of the Howrah/Rokeby boundary in this area of development will provide a better delineation based on the planned street design for the area.
See the Document Library for a map of the proposed boundary adjustment area.
Have Your Say
Have your say on the proposed boundary adjustment by completing the short survey below.
Your feedback will help council decide on whether or not to support the proposed boundary adjustment. If council supports the proposed adjustment, it will be referred to the Nomenclature Board for their decision.
If the Nomenclature Board approves the request, the suburb boundaries will be adjusted.
We will update this page on the progress of the project.
Consultation Results Summary
Council has consulted with the three affected landowners, being the developers of the land, as well as the wider community.
- The three affected landowners all support the proposed boundary adjustment.
- The results of the community consultation indicate that, on balance, the wider community does not support the proposed boundary adjustment.
The Rules for Place Names in Tasmania, that apply to this council decision, make it clear that council must give primary consideration to the feedback from the three affected landowners before deciding whether to refer the proposed boundary alteration to the Nomenclature Board.
A detailed report of the consultation results can be found in the Document Library.
Consultation Outcome
At the council meeting on Monday 19 August 2019, council voted to support altering the boundary between Howrah and Rokeby, in an area that is to be subdivided and developed.
The Nomenclature Board will now have the final decision on the boundary adjustment.
Council also voted to provide details of its community consultation to the Nomenclature Board to help inform its decision.