The next stage of this project will be in 2024 and the details of the project and how to get involved can be found here.


Project Overview

A structure plan for Tranmere/Rokeby peninsula is being developed to provide for sustainable growth of the Tranmere/Droughty Point/Rokeby peninsula, which has been identified as Clarence’s main future urban growth area by the Southern Tasmanian Regional Land Use Strategy.

Project Information

A structure plan is being prepared to manage residential growth in a manner that balances the need for sustainability, housing choice and affordability, and to guide future development of the area. The structure plan will cater for factors like the visual significance, physical opportunities and constraints, and the need for coordinated delivery of services and facilities for a growing population.

A structure plan is essentially a broad scale plan identifying the key components of future development – a desirable urban form; a legible and connected movement network; provision for an appropriate range of housing types, open spaces, recreation, commercial and community facilities; all set to a logical staging program.

Feedback has been sought from the community, along with other key stakeholders, including various state agencies, respective land owners, specialists across a range of fields, including flora and fauna, geotechnical, Aboriginal and historic heritage, traffic, and engineering.

Have Your Say

The engagement period for this project has now concluded.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit feedback on this consultation. Feedback received is being reviewed and will guide the development of the final plan prior to seeking council endorsement.

This project is temporarily on hold to enable landowners to complete their own investigations and consultation independent of council. It is anticipated that when their work has concluded, council will recommence this project. This will include consideration of any relevant landowner concerns/recommendations made to council.

2024 update

The next stage of this project will be in 2024 and the details of the project and how to get involved can be found here.
