Update: the survey for stage 1 is now closed and there will be further opportunities to be part of this project as it progresses. We will be reaching out to Schools across Clarence in stage 2 as well as sharing on Facebook and our website. We will again be reaching out to involve young people aged between 15-25 years.
Are you aged between 15-25 and living, learning, working and/or playing in Clarence? We want to hear from you. Anyone younger is welcome to participate with parent or guardian permission.
We are planning ahead to identify a preferred site for a potential future youth hub. This is because we have outgrown the existing youth centre in Rokeby, and we want to ensure that a new facility is as accessible to as many young people in our city as possible.
Tell us what you think!
- Survey now closed and the feedback report is in the document folder. The survey asked opinions on a few topics and gave an opportunity to share any other ideas young people in Clarence have.
- Send an email or submission to yoursay@ccc.tas.gov.au to provide more detailed feedback or information.
Clarence City Council has been operating the Rokeby Youth Centre out of the old schoolhouse and former police station buildings for over 25 years. As a result of attendee growth and community need, combined with the age and limits of the buildings, the current facility is no longer considered fit-for-purpose. We are therefore beginning to plan for a new youth facility, and we would like to hear from Clarence's young people to help inform the best location and model for delivering Youth Services in our city.
The project will be informed by the survey feedback, as well as:
- information about the age, gender, cultural diversity, and socio-economic background of young people living in Clarence
- the distances currently travelled by young people to access existing youth services and any potential barriers or limitations to access
- the specific services and programs required and desired by our young people, considering their social, educational, recreational, wellbeing and personal development needs
- suitability of location and site options for a youth centre