CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Keep to the current plan with one modification

We have owned and walked dogs in the Clarence municipality for over forty years. In the early years management of dogs was indeed fairly poor, but over the years a good compromise has been reached with the existing policy. Our present dog, now old, so looks forward to her precious off lead time in the currently designated areas. We regularly use Bellerive Beach and have rarely seen an unruly dog there. We understand, however, that dogs should not run around uncontrolled and that the excuse of ‘it‘s only being friendly’ is no excuse for poor management. The excellent pathways provided by the Council on Natone Hill and Waverley Flora Park ensure that dogs do not roam and stick to the track and many happy hours are spent by responsible dog walkers in both these areas. It would be extremely unfortunate, and unnecessary, if these areas were to be made on lead only.

In summary:

We strongly support the exiting Dog Management Policy

We fully support the proposed ban of dogs on Pipe Clay Lagoon where migratory shore birds gather.

Contributions to this consultation are now closed for evaluation and review.